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Hey you, savvy 'n' sassy lady!
I hope you are having a good week. I don’t know about you but, as I am getting older I am frequently finding that I am less seduced by “things” and increasingly looking at how I can save a bit of cash here and there by finding ways to reuse “stuff” or by “buying wiser”. For me this has been really noticeable with regards to “beauty stuff”. Yes I have been guilty I've buying every promise or new tool, haven’t we all? The problem I have is two fold. Often, when  I look at the ingredients of products I realise how easy and cheap they are to find elsewhere and also, there is that question of recycling/upcycling. I am sure many of us are appalled at the amount of waste and damage we are doing to the planet which we will leave as a legacy to our younger family members.

With this in mind, I have made a huge effort to avoid unnecessary purchases and ways to recycle or at least reduce my carbon footprint. I am truly pleased to share them with you today and hope you find them useful and doable.

So without further ado……..

1.       Reuse your mascara wand and tube
When you have finished your mascara there are 3 great ways we can reuse the tube and the brush!
           a)   Thoroughly wash the brush and the tube and air dry. Refill with almond oil or               castor oil and use every evening to encourage eye lash and brow growth.

b)      Use your newly washed lash brush to tidy your brows and brush your brow products through. 

c)       Thinner mascara brushes can be cleaned and used as lash brushes if you get clumpiness!

2.       Hair Masks.
There are some surprising expensive hair mask products on the market. But take a quick look at their ingredients. It makes me wonder exactly what t is we are paying for! The good news is that we can get the same results with products we already have at home.
            a)       To deeply moisturise  - before you jump in the shower drench your dry hair                   with your regular conditioner, comb through with a wide tooth comb and leave              for around ten minutes….. you know, those minutes when you're fiddling about                  finding clean towels etc. and getting the temperature just right! Rinse in the                    shower, shampoo and condition as normal. BINGO! Your hair will be in awesome                condition without being ripped off into buying extra unnecessary products!

b)      Alternatively comb olive oil through your hair, wrap hair in old towel and leave for as long as poss. ,overnight if you can.
Rinse off, shampoo and condition. I bet nearly all of us have olive oil n the cupboard. You don’t need to use your best extra virgin, just a bottle of el cheapo will do the trick and save you a fortune.

3.       Ditch body scrubs from the store. I have two great options for you that really work!

a)       When you get out of the shower or bath grab a bone dry flannel and rub your skin dry. It will exfoliate your skin without chemicals on your body or going down the drain plus you will be dry and ready to moisturise.

b)      Alternatively make your own scrub. Click the link above for some inspiration.

4. Don't buy expensive body butters/lotions. Most are laden with nasty ingredients that you don’t need to be absorbing. Seriously, I have been trialling using coconut oil on my skin and it is fabulous. Again you don’t need to spend a fortune on lotions and potions to get great results. If you fancy a fragrance in your oils/butters then add a few drops of essential oil.
If you own a ninja or nutri bullet you can pop coconut oil whether hard or soft into it and whip it up into a beautiful soft mousse type butter . I promise you its brilliant!

5.       Finished your lip gloss? Rinse out the container and doe foot wand thoroughly. Refill the container with some olive or almond oil and use this as your lip balm.
It will keep your lips supple without being greasy and you are not plastering your lips in preservatives etc. PLUS! You are reusing the container so helping the environment.

       Stop wasting money on cotton wool pads and wet wipes. TBH wet wipes don’t do much more than smear your makeup around your face and just add to the masses of indestructible waste on the planet. I think they are rather expensive too. Cotton requires a huge percentage of the earths' water to grow and also adds to the rubbish we dump. You can buy reusable cotton pads now. Buy these and you will save money and the environment too. If you are feeling creative I have found a lovely crochet pattern from moral fibres. I am going to give it a whirl!

7   Oil those cuticles. Remember the oils in your food cupboard? They are fab for your cuticles too. There are some huge brands out there charging huge prices for what is essentially kitchen oil with a bit of fragrance. If you happen to have any avocado oil in the pantry it's wonderful on nails and cuticles. Otherwise just use the oils you have.

Face Oils
I am currently experimenting to find which oils work best as cleansers and masks. More to come soon. Keep your eye out at Savvy 'n' Sassy.

So, for now those are my current top tips. I am working on recipes and alternatives to expensive face serums, moisturisers and eye creams. As women we are being seduced by marketing when there are really awesome effective alternatives which save your cash and the planet!

Let me know how you get on trying any of these ideas. I would love to see your photos too!

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Have a wonderful day y’all


Janie S xxx

Founder Savvy 'n Sassy - for women who refuse to be invisible!


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