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Tips for flawless under eye concealer....

Today I am addressing that age old concern - under eye concealer. We all seem to be searching for that flawless under eye look and I am here to help you!

First things first!

You know that tale about a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and that we all know it doesn't exist? Well guess what? nor does flawless concealer...not on any age! But don't despair!

We have to accept that we are getting older and that we have texture under our eyes. Unless you go for surgery you aren't going to get super smooth under eye skin. Sorry! There isn't a cream out there that can do it for you , no matter how much hype skin care companies come out with!

HOWEVER , there are some great tips and tricks that can help us get as close to flawless as possible.
Grab yourself some eye cream, concealers and super fine powder and click here to see how to get the next best to flawless under eyes possible!The tutorial on you tube has much more information and tips.

How to create the next best flawless look
1.Do one eye at a time.
2.Use your eye cream and moisturise the area like crazy. Dehydrated skin always looks crepier.
3.Look down into your mirror and see where the shadows hit.(This is demonstrated HERE).This is the area you want to cover. Use a peachy shade to counteract bluey/purple shadows. Use the warmth of your clean finger to pat it deep into your skin. 
4.Using a mini sponge, pat your fine powder over the concealer to set it.Leave for a minute or two and then use a fan brush to brush away any excess.
5.Check you look gorgeous!

I hope you will try this and find it helpful.
Don't forget to watch the full tutorial here. Please like and subscribe to my blog and you tube channel. 
Have an amazing day!
Janie S xxx


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