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easy peasy scrub to help eliminate cellulite!

I hate cellulite, it is a bum deal! I know nearly everyone has it, and I have seen KK’s bum in an unedited photo so I know even slebs have it, but I still would rather it didn’t exist! I am pleased to see these photos out in public, and that she hasn’t had them removed from social media. I am no KK fan but she deserves a thumbs up! Of course, over 90% of women have it, largely on their thighs and bum and upper legs. Even the gorgeous JLo has cellulite and she is a sex symbol. That must make us sex symbols too!

 There are gazillions of potions on the market that simply put, do not work. Now, there is some encouraging research around, particularly by Mibelle. They have discovered in trials that to combat cellulite we need to get brown fat cells to burn the fat in white fat cells, (thermogenesis). It seems that there is a positive correlation between mustard seed, capsaicin and the cycle we want to happen! I have looked in to this further and it appears that eating things like mustard sprouts and chilies will burn the white fat we want to get rid of! I vaguely remember Dr. Murad recommending capsaicin supplements to help rid cellulite……

In the meantime, keeping your skin deeply moisturised and exfoliated will make your legs and bum look better! Good job I have been busy making body scrubs then!
Making the scrubs

I have a recipe for you today which makes a gorgeous body scrub which you can add extra ingredients to. I usually add the used coffee granules from the coffee machine at home. You might want to add essential oils or oatmeal…. the list is endless. FYI this works out at about 5 pence per use!

To see how to make this super easy body scrub click here

I hope you enjoy making and using this body scrub. I’d love to know what additions you make to yours! Drop a line in the comments section below!

Have a fabulous day

Janie S xxx  for lots more on beauty, lifestyle and health visit 


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