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Our skin is precious - always love it!

Author: Janie Smith
Copyright: Janie Smith
If you wish to reproduce any part of this article please contact Savvy 'n Sassy

Be savvy in the sunshine- top tips for choosing sunscreen!

For most of us as soon as the sun shines our spirits soar and the world becomes a lovelier place. If like me you want to enjoy the sun but are not keen on turning into a shrivelled prune you need to protect yourself. There are so many choices out in the market, it can make choosing the right protection for yourself difficult. This article has been written to solve your problems!

Sun Creams and Blocks
99% of skin cancers are linked to the sun's rays. Using the right sunscreen can help reduce the development of active keratosis which is the most common type of pre-cancer. They also reduce the risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. The aim of a good sunscreen is to prevent excessive exposure to the sun's harmful rays. To learn more about skin cancer and what to look out for click here to go the NHS site. it is always wise to know about skin cancer as this knowledge can save your life.

Sun creams work in two ways, by scattering the sun's light and reflecting it away from the skin or by absorbing the rays before they reach the skin.

Recent research shows that we must choose a broad spectrum cream/lotion as UVA rays are as harmful as UVB. UVA penetrates deeply into the skin, does not cause sunburn and its damage is at first less visible. It causes cancer and wrinkling. The Environmental Protection Agency believes that 90% of skin damage is related to a lifetime of exposure to UVA rays.

SPF is a measurement of UVB rays. UVA rays are not measured, so when looking for a cream look for broad spectrum 5 star protection.

How to choose the right cream for you
Use an SPF 15 if you have normal skin that doesn't burn easily.
Use an SPF 30 or higher, if you have sensitive skin, a history of skin cancer in your family or you have lupus.
Don't be fooled into thinking that double the number of SPF means double the rays blocked.
There is little difference in protection between SPF 15 and 30. SPF 15 filters out and blocks 93% of UVB rays and SPF 30 blocks 97%. Also remember that the amount of SPF diminishes over time so you won't have the same protection after an hour that you had in the beginning. Toppest of the Top Tips! - reapply regularly.

Sunscreen can cause skin sensitivity and heat rash so I always recommend using a natural organic brand. I always buy Odylique Natural sunscreen which is also vegan and broad spectrum. Since using it I don't get rashes which is fab! BTW I am not being paid to recommend it , it is my go to sunscreen and I develop a beautiful colour with it.
It is a stunningly effective brand and is all British! The website has a really lovely relaxing vibe to it. 

Look for the best ingredients in your sun protection
Check for any of the following:
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Zinc Oxide
  • Cinnamates
  • Salicylates
  • Sulisbenzone
  • Arobenzone
  • Ecasmsule
  • My preference is always to go for Titanium Dioxide and/or Zinc Dioxide.

Tips when buying
  • Buy sweat/water resistant if you are exercising or swimming,
  • Find a brand you like and stick to it,
  • Use children's/sensitive skin sun cream if you have rosacea/sensitive skin,
  • Avoid the following ingredients if you have skin allergies - alcohol, preservatives and fragrances.

Ultimate top tips for maximum protection - avoid being toast!
  • Apply 30 minutes before going outside,
  • Use at least 2 large tablespoons, (1 ounce) per application, 1 Tablespoon = 3 Teaspoons [US, UK or Metric]1 Tablespoon = 4 Teaspoons [Australia]
  • Reapply every two hours when outside, and
  • Reapply immediately after heavy sweating or swimming.

Today’s article has quite a bit of information in it but I always believe that knowledge is power. Our skin is precious and we must look after it.

I hope you found the information useful. If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section below or via the website Savvy 'n' Sassy. To read all about the benefits of the sun click here.
To find out all about the amazing benefits of the wonderful "sunshine vitamin", click here.

Have a fabulous day,
Janie S xxx 


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